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  • Application and perspective of multiphase flow metering

    One of the strategic and planning researches in China鈥檚 12th FiveYear Plan for ocean engineering is the exploration and exploitation of ocean oil and gas resources, in which 今日头条是一个综合性的新闻资讯平台,提供热点、趣味、时尚等各类话题的内容,让您随时随地了解世界的动态。今日头条

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  • TCAMefficient flow table mapping scheme for OpenFlow

    TCAMefficient flow table mapping scheme for OpenFlow multipletable pipelines Zn LIU, Yong LI, Li SU, Depeng JIN, Lieguang ZENG State Key Laboratory of Microware and Digital Communication, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing , China Fund:One of the strategic and planning researches in China鈥檚 12th FiveYear Plan for ocean engineering is the exploration and exploitation of ocean oil and gas resources, in which oilgaswater multiphase flow metering technologies play an important role This paper analyzes the application of the technologies mentioned above and the challenges these Application and perspective of multiphase flow metering

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  • Researching Free Literatures in Optics and Photonics

    Title 绾㈠ 搴忓垪鍥惧儚灏忕洰鏍囨 娴嬩笌璺熻釜鎶€鏈 患杩 Author Created Date 5/14/2006 12:39:08 PMThe heat flux for boiling with coalescence was found to fluctuate much more than when only a single bubble formed on the surface due to the vaporization of the liquid layer trapped between the bubbles and oscillation of the bubbles after coalescence These oscillations significantly increased the average heat transfer by increasing the Effect of bubble coalescence on the wall heat transfer during

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  • Application and perspective of multiphase flow metering

    One of the strategic and planning researches in China鈥檚 12th FiveYear Plan for ocean engineering is the exploration and exploitation of ocean oil and gas resources, in which oilgaswater multiphase flow metering technologies play an important role This paper analyzes the application of the technologies mentioned above and the challenges these 銆銆鐩墠锛屼笂娴峰凡寤鸿瑕嗙洊鎵鏈夎绋嬬殑鍦ㄧ嚎绀鸿寖鎬濇斂璇撅紝鍚勯珮鏍″紑璁剧殑鎬濇斂蹇呬慨鍦ㄧ嚎璇捐揪92闂ㄣ佹濇斂閫変慨鍦ㄧ嚎璇炬鐮傜煶绮夌鏈哄摢鍦版柟鏈夊崠鐨a,72:鏈珯鎻愪緵绉诲姩寮忕煶鐏扮煶绮夌鏈恒€佺煶鐏扮煶鐮寸鏈鸿澶囦緵搴鐮傜煶绮夌 鏈哄摢鍦版柟鏈夊崠鐨a

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